Choir Major Requirements:
The McCallum Choral Department is an award-winning and highly recognized performing ensemble that provides its members with a rich and varied musical experience throughout each school year. The five competitive choirs consistently receive superior ratings at the annual UIL Concert and Sight-Reading contest and individual members of the choir are frequently recognized for their remarkable musicianship. In 2017, three McCallum Choir members were named as outstanding soloists at the Texas State Solo and Ensemble Contest and one student received first place in the 11-12th grade classical division at the South Texas NATS contest. The McCallum Choir performs throughout the Austin area, Texas, and beyond. In 2017, the members of the McCallum Choir performed in New Orleans, LA and in 2018 the choir traveled to New York City to perform on the stage of Carnegie Hall.
Each school year, the McCallum Choir has the incredible opportunity to perform major choral works with the award-winning McCallum Orchestra. Past performances include the Mozart Requiem, Vivaldi’s Gloria, Faure’s Requiem, Handel’s Messiah, and Schubert’s Mass in G. This year, the McCallum Choir will be performing the North American premiere of Cyrillus Kreek’s Requiem in C Minor.
Another highlight of the choral calendar is the annual Cabaret – a fully staged, costumed, and choreographed show filled with Broadway and pop-style music. This show has been a tradition at McCallum for over thirty years and allows all students to experience participating in a full-scale production while allowing many soloists and small groups to be featured.
For students who enjoy pursuing solo singing opportunities, the choir program encourages students to participate in the TMEA All State audition process, the UIL Solo and Ensemble Contest, and the NATS vocal contest. The McCallum Choir program has consistently had students perform in the Texas All State Choir and at the State Solo and Ensemble Contest.
The McCallum Choir Program consists of one Tenor/Bass choir, one Mixed choir, and three treble choirs-Chorale, Concert Choir, and Chamber Choir, all of which perform competitively. Choral Majors at McCallum have a wide variety of available courses to further enrich each student’s musicianship including Vocal Studies for Majors, Music Theater, Music Appreciation, Class Piano, AP Music Theory, Songwriting, and Ensemble Conducting for Musicians.
Choir Structure
Meistersingers (Mixed Choir)
The McCallum Meistersingers is the first mixed choir class to be offered at McCallum. Membership in this ensemble is contingent upon a successful audition. Meistersingers is an approximately 24 member choir composed of Sopranos, Altos, Tenors, and Basses. Membership is open to all Sophomore, Junior, and Senior choir members who qualify through audition. It will offer an opportunity to engage with advanced SATB repertoire. This ensemble will go to UIL as the Varsity Mixed Choir.
Chamber Choir (Advanced Treble Choir)
The McCallum Chamber Choir is the advanced treble choir class offered at McCallum. Membership in this ensemble is contingent upon a successful audition. Chamber Choir is an 18-24 member choir composed of Sopranos and Altos. Membership is open to all Sophomore, Junior, and Senior choir members who qualify through audition. It will offer an opportunity to engage with advanced treble repertoire. This ensemble will go to UIL as the Varsity Treble Choir.
Tenor/Bass Choir
The McCallum Tenor/Bass choir is a non-auditioned ensemble open to all Freshman through Senior Tenor/Bass voices. Membership in this ensemble is not contingent upon an audition. Tenors and Basses will have the opportunity to engage with a variety of Tenor/Bass repertoire from the Renaissance to the Modern period. This ensemble will go to UIL as the Varsity Tenor/Bass Choir.
Chorale (Intermediate Treble Choir)
The McCallum Chorale is a non-auditioned ensemble open to all Sophomore through Senior Treble voices. Membership in this ensemble is not contingent upon an audition. Sopranos and Altos will have the opportunity to engage with a variety of challenging treble repertoire from the Renaissance to the Modern period and continue to develop strong vocal technique and sight reading skills. This ensemble will go to UIL as the Non-Varsity Treble Choir.
Concert Choir (Freshman Treble Choir)
The McCallum Concert Choir is a non-auditioned ensemble for all Freshman Treble voices. Membership in this ensemble is not contingent upon an audition. Sopranos and Altos will have the opportunity to engage with a variety of treble repertoire from the Renaissance to the Modern period and continue to develop a strong vocal technique as they make the transition to high school choir. This ensemble will go to UIL as the Sub Non-Varsity Treble Choir.
Nathan Thompson, B.M., M.M.
Director of Choral Activities
FA-1 (Choir Room)
Nathan Thompson is entering his second year as Choir Director at McCallum High School. He brings with him a wealth of experience as both a performer and choral educator. Mr. Thompson has a wealth of experience teaching choir and vocal music having taught at the middle school through collegiate level.
Mr. Thompson has performed in semi-professional and professional ensembles and has experience singing at state and national level conventions. Ensembles that Mr. Thompson has performed with include: the Purgatory Creek Chorale, Conspirare Symphonic Choir, and the Texas State Chorale. During the 2021-2022 academic year, Mr. Thompson was honored to serve as the director of the Texas State University Men’s Choir. Under his direction, the McCallum Choirs have received sweepstakes at the annual UIL Concert and Sight Reading assessment. He also previously taught at Chisholm Trail Middle School where choirs under his direction also earned sweepstakes at UIL Concert and Sight Reading.
Mr. Thompson grew up in north Austin and graduated from McNeil High School. He went on to attend Texas State University where he earned a Bachelor of Music in Music Studies and a Master of Music in Choral Conducting. In his spare time Mr. Thompson enjoys reading, playing board games, swimming, and cooking.
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