Performance Theatre Major Requirements:
Technical Theatre Major Requirements:
There are two majors within the theatre department at McCallum Fine Arts Academy: the performance-based theatre (acting, playwriting, directing) major and the design and production (tech theatre) major. These students produce multiple performances each year in McCallum’s theatre facilities. Acting theatre majors may also pursue a Musical Theatre Certificate. All McCallum students are invited to audition for the department’s plays and musicals.
With McCallum’s Theatre focus, students participate in performance/technical training and exceptional performance opportunities from the very start. Throughout their four years, students are cast and crew in a range of musicals and plays, as understudies, ensemble members, supporting parts, designers, and leading roles. Students also have the opportunity to perform in and collaborate on films produced by our award-winning Cinematic Arts program.
MacTheatre is a lively, friendly group of musicians and actors. The theatre department itself is very supportive. Our students form close-knit groups, developing personal and professional relationships that last for years. At McCallum we are known for our integration of craft training, the care and attention we give to individual student development and the strong ensemble ethic shared by our staff and students.
Technical Theatre
The McCallum Technical Theatre academy strand is designed for students with a strong interest in pursuing deeper understanding, more advanced skills and creative passions within the full variety of technical theatre fields.
Students are exposed to all areas of technical theatre in order to determine where their passion lies – be it in design, management or hands-on technical execution.
In addition to after school production assignments and hands on classwork, there will be a focus on project-based learning and in facilitating and expanding the knowledge and ability of students in their personal areas of interest within the technical theatre world.
Technical Theatre Accomplishments
Since her arrival in 2014 the technical theatre program has received recognition within the local, state and national level. McCallum technicians have advanced to the UIL Theatrical Design State competition in Scenic design in 2022 and 23, received individual technician honors at various levels of the UIL One-Act competition, received superior scores at the state and national level of the International Thespian competitions in Scenic Design, Stage Management, Lighting Design and Costume Design, and McCallum musicals have received awards for Best Scenic Design, Best Lighting Design, Best Technical Execution, and Best Production at the Heller Awards for Young Artists.
Musical Theatre
Bonnie Brookby
Director of Performance Theatre
FABT (Fine Arts Building Theater)
Kristin Vandenberg
Director of Technical Theatre
MAC (McCallum Arts Center)
Kristin Vandenberg is originally from Tallahassee, Florida where she graduated from Florida State University with a BFA in Technical Theatre – Lighting Design. After college she worked in regional theatre and national tours until accepting a position as the Production Coordinator / Operations Manager running all crews for touring concerts, Broadway shows and sporting events for a 12,000 seat arena and convention complex in Tallahassee. In 2014 she was hired at Texas State University to facilitate the grand opening of their new Performing Arts Center and served as the Operations Manager of that facility until 2019 when she decided to make the move into secondary education at McCallum. She is very excited to be spearheading the Technical Theatre program at the Fine Arts Academy and is constantly amazed and astounded by the caliber of students working within this theatre department.
Robert Carrasco
Director of Musical Theatre
Performance and Technical Theatre Website and Social Media